Upcoming By Law Changes
September 6, 2018
Dear Members,
As some of you may be aware the Board of Directors reviews the organizations bylaws annually and recommends changes to the membership at the annual meeting which is held during the Fall Conference.
I attach for your review the revised bylaws and while you are encouraged to read them in their entirety I have noted some of the highlights below:
Article I.
The Board’s proposal is to remove the reference to the seal which will allow us to amend the design as needed.
Article II. Section 5.
The Board is looking to add language to include other governmental certification programs.
Article IV. Section 3.
The proposed change redefines the composition of the Board of Directors to accurately reflect the current structure.
Article V. Section 1.
The proposed change reconciles the Audit Committee Appointments and timeline to our meeting schedule and Audit Committee Policy.
Article VII. Section 2 and 3.
The Board’s recommended change is distribute the organization’s assets to the Governmental Finance Officers Association Scholarship Program in the event the Association is dissolved. (Section 2.)
The Board’s second proposal (Section 3.) is to set the annual dues in conjunction with the annual budget as opposed to a vote at the Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your consideration of these amendments as recommended by the Board of Director’s. I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting which will take place in the Schooner Ballroom from 11:45am – 12:15pm on Monday September 24th.
James P. Finch
President, NESGFOA